Friday, October 14, 2011

The Dengue Experience(s)

According to Wiki,
'The virus has four different types; infection with one type usually gives lifelong immunity to that type, but only short-term immunity to the others. Subsequent infection with a different type increases the risk of severe complications.'

Call it ignorance or whatsoever, but only the part bolded appealed to me, really. 

Let me take you on a trip down memory lane, back in the year 2007, January 1st...
I was having fever and severe chills. I came out of the room i was sharing with my sister then and went to the study room next door, tugged myself under the sleeping bag, blanket, and comforter to keep myself warm and to reduce the intense shivering. It was a horrible night i still recall.
The night became morning and I was then brought to Sunway Hospital by my daddy to get a blood test run to check what was it since the fever and headaches were not going away. Few hours later, the doc rang me up on my mobile and told me that I have to be admitted to the hospital. I was tested positive for Dengue. 
My heart sank. No strong heart moment there at all. I broke down to tears. Sobbing so hardly I was gasping for air.haha.drama queen and emotional are my middle name. So i was admitted, on January 1st. Saw the fireworks..ushering the new year, on the hospital bed.

OK. that was not a great experience that I want to remember and i thought that was it. I could put the whole dengue experience behind me FOREVER cause the doctor did mention to me that my immunity is now stronger. Actually, NO. Read what wiki said, LIFELONG IMMUNITY to that type. So what are the odds that I'd get dengue, for the 2nd time? I thought the chances were close to zero! Clearly, there's a 1% for everything. Last Wednesday I went to bed with high fever and slight chills. Thought to myself, I'm physically weak, all the strenuous and non-stop activities have finally taken a toll on me, time for a body break down. Plus the rain, i'll be fine after 2-3 days. Yeah. Optimism.

Too optimistic I guess, the fever didn't subside and I was feeling terrible. A visit to the local clinic sent me back with fever medicine, and an order to drink more water and rest alot, the usual. The thought of dengue came to me when the spots came up. Doctor dismissed it as probably measles or 2nd chicken pox. Blood tests were done. White blood cells were terribly low. Still, the doc didn't think it was dengue cause the spots weren't looking like rash THEN. After 3 blood tests, and a very low platelet and white blood cells count report later, the doctor suggested that it'd be better if i got admitted to monitor the count and to have a dengue test done.

HO HO HO. the dengue word popped. and I tried to stay in my ignorant and denial bubble.TRIED.

This time, my heart was stronger. I didn't break down (almost, but didn't!). I packed my stuff and left to the hospital with my mum quietly. And the story gets pretty predictable. I was admitted, put on drip, and tagged as a patient of Sunway Hospital, AGAIN.

I dreaded the needles and syringes, but what choices did I have? I hated the stupid drip machine thingamajig that i had to drag around with to pee or shit. I dislike being in an enclosed room for more than few hours and do NOTHING. but i was too lethargic to complain about that, plus those Modern Family episodes really helped lift my spirit up a lil. Eric Stonestreet is the man :) 

But on the brighter side of things, I learnt to appreciate the tinier side of things and I felt really blessed. Above all the pain and suffering, I had so many wonderful people surrounding me and I was instantly grateful to my Almighty Creator, for His wonderful blessings upon my life. Every single visit, every gifts, gestures, prayers and messages helped put a smile on my face. 

For the care and love, for the juices and cakes, for helping out with my group assignments, for the flowers and fruit basket, for the cards and hugs, for hearing my rants out, for staying over the first night i was alone, for the prayers and calls, for the laughter brought to my hospital bed, for bearing with my suffering throat and not-hyperness, and the list goes on... 
THANK YOU Y'ALL, family and friends :*) 

It's Day 9 now and I'm recuperating at home. Got discharged yesterday :) Count is still low but I'm guessing those extremely disgusting papaya leaf juice and aloe vera juice is gonna boost them up in no time and i'll be able to brush teeth and jump around again :D


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