Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ola, 2014

We greet each new year as if the best present for the year is about to be ours. We don't know what is inside the prettily wrapped box, neither do we know how are we gonna react when the box is opened when the gift unveils from the box, neither do we know if it's gonna be practical and useful, or even fabulous. The excitement and anticipation, the hype about a new year, simply signifies that we all still have that kid in us, to be excited and simply, celebrate.


I'm always the kind that will do the long 'reflection' on the past and take time to embrace myself with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

2013 was certainly an interesting piece. I admit that I'm still categorized under the Gen Y category and have no rights to complain about ageing but it hits me once in awhile that hey, I am growing old (er). They say with the years, you'll gain experiences. We do learn from experiences and may not make the same mistakes again, but there is a whole new pickle jar of fresh ones just lying in waiting for us to trip and fall info it. Well, don't beat yourself up for those new mistakes. Think back, after awhile, it might even topped one of the video entries for 'America's funniest videos! HAHAHA. Ok. I exaggerated but you get the point.

"Wisdom isn't about not making mistakes but about learning to escape afterwards with our dignity and sanity intact."

I Bungy jumped (still oozing with pride!) visited new countries, and made many new friends. I achieved new milestones in life and conquered new mountains. I saved and I splurged. I cried I laughed. And simply appreciate more things in life :)

We set new resolutions. We make new plans each year. But sometimes it's so easy to slip and forget to NOT live in the future but to live in the present.
Since I started working I realized that days can just slip by so fast. Before you know it, everyone's Instagram and Twitter updates are filled with #tgif ! And before you know it, you're writing
Christmas cards already and getting ready for countdown again.

Living in the moment doesn't mean we simply throw away all our responsibilities and cares; it also doesn't mean we strip off all worries and only seek pleasure. It's simply taking a moment or two every now and then to appreciate being alive and to aim to act like today matters and live life to the full, right here, right now.

We CAN'T project all our future happiness into the future - 'Oh, if only I were smarter/ richer/ slimmer/ younger/ had a better job/ taller/ had a nicer car' - the list is endless!!!!

Lets appreciate what we've got right now and yet still dream and plan. That way we'll be a little happier now than if we're constantly looking into the future, where happiness apparently lies.

That said, thank you everyone for painting my life so colorful. It's not easy to keep up with me at times, but hey. You guys did it and here we are, another 364 days to go to another high five and 'pat-on-the-back moment' :)

Renee, now go rock this brand new year and be crazier!