Saturday, June 26, 2010


When Jesus says blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy, he assumes that you really can't be merciful until you've received mercy in the first place. Mercy is not a deal, but an ongoing lifestyle. We receive mercy then we show mercy and as a result we receive more mercy, and as a result, we then show more mercy—and on and on.

 It's like we're rolling a snowball downhill. We start with a small one, maybe the size of a baseball. As we toss it down the hill, immediately gravity starts to pull it farther downhill. As it rolls over, of course, it collects more snow. Now it's bigger and heavier, and so gravity pulls it even harder. It rolls over even faster, and collects more snow, and gets heavier, and rolls faster. And so on. Before you know it, it's a huge ball, bounding down the hill. That's how it is with mercy: The more we receive mercy, the more we give mercy.

Because we get distracted and have long bouts with selfishness, we collect sticks and branches in our little ball, and that slows us down. Sometimes we come to a complete halt, stuck halfway down the mountain. So we find ourselves remembering that we didn't deserve to roll as far as we had in the first place, and that without God's mercy, we'll go no farther. And that's when God comes along, trims off the branches sticking out from us, and gives us that little push to start us rolling downhill again, so that we can practice and enjoy mercy upon mercy upon mercy upon mercy.

the Beatitudes (Mathew 5:1-10)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

sembilan belas tahun.

Praise the Lord! :)

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.
Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord?
Who can ever praise Him half enough?
Happy are those who deal justly with others and always do what is right.

(Psalms 106: 1-3)

the clock showed 11.30pm.the date on my phone flashed 13th half an hour's time, it will be 14th May.the day i look forward to every year. i open up my journal.started to dribble down my thoughts.i reflected on my life.the 19 years that i have lived.tears started rolling down my cheeks.
Did i live a fulfilling and purpose-filled life?
Am I who I was created to be?
the rush of emotions.was overwhelming.

God has been blessing me with so much. I don't know where to start. and I don't see an ending to it neither. He is that good.:)

19 years.19 years.some friendship hit the decade stage.some new and wonderful bonds were formed.the story of my life is filled with soooo many more interesting and awesome stories that i would love to share with every living soul on this planet earth.everything hits a new high level.
I don't see myself as a perfect girl.
I don't see myself as a perfect christian.
neither do i see myself as a perfect daughter, sister, or a friend.
but i do know one thing for creator.the king above all moulding be who He wants me to be.:)

i had a wonderful celebration this year.the lovely wishes i had.the surprises.zankkk kiuuuu all.:)
looking through those happy pictures.makes me want to cry..
i just want every singleeee one in my life to know that i really love all of you.whatever unhappy things.let us put them all behind us, shall we? :D 

 for "Tomorrow is a mystery. Yesterday is a history. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."


Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.