Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's so fluffly :)

(13th July)

it was scorching hot.then it rained.and there was a rainbow.God promised me good weather.:) and without a doubt.He gave us a gorgeous day at Gold Coast, Morib.

the smooth, soft, fine sand reallyyy made my day.:D

pink helium for the pretty birthday girl! :)

we hung around till the sun.set.

my oh-so-successful frog jump yaww! :D

great company + great weather + gorgeous beach + pretty helium + flying kite + lovely sunset = :)

Estrangements between friends should not be permitted to continue over night. It is a scriptural counsel that we should not let the sun go down upon our wrath. Why? Because there may not be another day in which to get the wound healed and the estrangement removed. "But it was not my fault," you say. Noble souls, inspired by the love of Christ, must not ask whose fault it was that the estrangement began, nor whose place it is first to seek restoration. If it was not your fault, you are the better one to begin the reconciliation. It is Christ-like for the one who is not to blame to take the first step toward the healing of the breach. That is the way He did and always does with us. Do not delay too long. What time is it? Is the sun moving toward his setting? Hasten, and before the shadows of evening come on be reconciled with your friend. Let not the stars look down on two hearts sundered by anger or misunderstanding. 

Ephesians 4:26-27: Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.


ding ding dear.:) 
 Blessed birthdayyyy! truly thank the Big J up there for sending you into my life.the joy.the dramas.the laughter.the fellowship.the support.the encouragement.the bimboness.the has been 3 years since we left high school.yet those great memories are still etched in my we create more wonderful memories now..write a whole new chapter.i pray that we will continue to walk and grow righteously in His path.obstacles may be thrown at us.things may get a lil bumpy.but we will run the race together.and make our heavenly Father proud.;) 
continue to be the ding ding we all love.a great future doctor-to-be! thank you for being such a wonderful blessing to me and manyyy others.Let's continue to paint this world with joy and happiness and colours.


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