Monday, September 28, 2009

HAPPY day!


after my usual hectic fridays at uni.impact meeting.then headed down to the bah kut teh land for a surprise to my dear bruda and chiew hoe.:)

at the crazy busy highway.!!!
*shouting at the top of our lungs felt just so awesome*

with my new found sampat friend! x)

indeed it was a HAPPY day.:D

the happy-day makers.:)

the super-duper-uber-coolness surprise put together by none other than the two sweet gf's ---linzzy and giant.:))

next stop: delta mamak.

the jump shots attempts at the car park.haha!

with youth alive and selangor#6's peeps.:)

my new 'bff'! haha.:) she is sampat.i like sampat people.:)

i like my roti pisang too! :D



i love them both as much as they love bombing me! :)

atleast i don't have to feel so short among them.heh!

all having GORGEOUS likeyyyyy.:))

my one and only GIANT :))
the things we talk about.the things that makes us think of each's hilarious!
i really miss having all the same classes as you my ex uni buddy (hahahha), spending all our breaks together, talking about every weird person that passes us.doing totally random stuff in the uni.library madness soon ok?? :D

another MOMENT! <3

blessed birthday to you man!!!:D
it's great knowing you! *hugs*

sorry for bimbo-tech questions all the time.haha!

look at all the happy smiles! :)

and laughter...:)


all the professional shots taken by none other than the owner of the RM15,000 camera--- NIGEL LIM! :)

and a big fat shoutout to my bruda.brothers forever dude! hahahah.*hugs*
this is one guy that can make you feel like strangling him one moment and feel like hugging him the next.xD
a fun person to hang out with.
he and giant-wonderful for one another! <3
continue to be a great blessing friend.:)

it was a happy day indeed.:)

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