Sunday, October 11, 2009

just do it.

10 Rules for a GREAT Day :)

1. Today I will not strike back. If someone is rude, impatient, or cruel to me, I will not respond in the same manner. Hate and anger only breed more of the same.

2. Today I will ask God to bless my enemies. If I encounter a longtime school rival - or anyone who treats me harshly or unfairly - I will quietly ask God to bless them.

3. Today I will be thoughtful about what I say. I will choose words with care, making sure I don't spread gossip or malign anyone's character.

4. Today I will go the extra mile. I will find a way to lighten another's load. I will find ways to make life more pleasant for everyone I encounter - within and beyond my home.

5. Today I will forgive. I will forgive the people who hurt me or anger me. I will strive to put offenses behind me, in the past where they belong.

6. Today I will do something nice for someone, but secretly. I will reach out anonymously to bless the life of another person. My reward will be the smile of surprise, not a personal thank-you. 

7. Today I will treat others as I wish to be treated. I will practice the golden rule.

8. Today I will lift the spirits of someone who is discouraged. My smile, my words, and my actions can make a difference to someone who is struggling in life. 

9. Today I will nurture my body. I will eat healthy foods. I will exercise and get to bed on time. I will be grateful for, and respectful of, the body God has given me.

10. Today I will grow spiritually. I will find time to pray and medidate. I will set aside the busyness of life to thank God for His blessings and rejuvenate my spirit.

abstracted from 'Daily Grace for Teens'

'Our aim is to please Him always in everything that we do.'
(2 Corinthians 5:9)

have a wonderful Day.cheerios.:)

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