Monday, March 30, 2009

bit and pieces of uni...;)

renee and grace.
rotten and giant.
this is emo bookstore!! =D
y la emo when you're earning soooo much from us..hahahhaa

library!!! :)

1901! =DD
heheheh.i felt so gluttant sitting with the big box filled with hotdogs.getting stares from strangers.xD

in the audi..during lecture..and this is during econs...where we can neverrrr pay attention.haha.2pm..after lunch..with the air cond and dim's pretty challenging task to focus.xD

my dearrr friend.:)
same time table and duh la same classes.haha.

it's the 5th week and we're surviving.;)

just handed in our business statistics assignment..which robbed us of our beauty sleep last night.well..can't blame it on the assignment alone as we procastinated till the last min..haha.
as usual.xD
having bimbo moments is nothing surprising.=p
we did a really niceee slide show for our presentation.put in soo much effort! hhahahahhaah.only to learn that we sorta strayed away from our question.waliaoooo! babi!!! super funny and burst.

so remember our faces....
we're gonna be famous faces in the business world in the future!! :)

of course.we still love school of engineering.heheheh.;)

we joined nature club and business club.:)
no frisbee club
and here i much for trying to change and not procastinate..have yet to start on my management assignment that is due this friday! champion.



Utterly Sabrina said...

oh babe.
i really miss u guys lah
still dont have time to meet up
that is so sad.

Renee said...

miss you tons la babe.=(